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Home / Firmware for to all receivers / Openbox / Openbox V8Pro

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Firmware V8ProV3.710.70.rar
1)supported Thai Language, and modify Italy language string 2)support newcamd deskey import 3)FAV group added to 31 4)softcam support Europe PowerVu channel 5)VOD feature was moved,we will update new VOD,those programes will cover Europe/Asia 6)softcam support Europe PowerRu 7)sometime show no sig
    ściągnij1138 5.69 Mb 19.08.2019 12:00 JAKITAKI
V8 PRO 20151031.rar
1) more stable cccam for Italay Terrisal. 2) refreshed multi language translation. if you find some error translation ,please send it to service@freesat.cn 3) modify ftp update function 4) added Czech/Armenian language 5) refreshed satelliate and tp list for Europe. 6) modify preset tp list for
    ściągnij508 5.76 Mb 19.08.2019 12:00 Admin
V8 PRO 20151203.rar
1) reboot case when channel changed 2) don't play channel after updating channel list
    ściągnij394 5.76 Mb 19.08.2019 12:02 Admin
V8 PRO 20160108.rar
20160108 --v8pro flash.bin 1) some cccam server more stable
    ściągnij337 5.77 Mb 19.08.2019 12:02 Admin
1) LCN for Cable and T2 Menu/Installation/ Install Setting/ LCN
    ściągnij468 5.76 Mb 19.08.2019 12:03 Admin
1) more stable cccam for Spanish some server. Thanks my friends Gonzalo Vargas and Ye Sir 2) add update preset satelliate and tp list feature. 3) supported 3G dongle which chipsat is X220
    ściągnij466 5.75 Mb 19.08.2019 12:04 Admin
1)audio noise when France T2 HD some HD channel. thanks thanks my friend Pit very much who sending the ts file to us. 2)you can update the V8Pro channel list dumped from this fimware to V8 golden
    ściągnij474 5.82 Mb 19.08.2019 12:05 Admin
1)added dump user db and system data item. user db item ---> only dump channel list , you can share it to your friends user db + system data ---> dump channel list and system data include camd account. 2)modify the French string , thanks boogle2004-froggy to help me translanted them. 3)the P
    ściągnij513 5.82 Mb 19.08.2019 12:05 Admin
1)don't import iptv list . 2)bug for timer record feature. 3)add India/Indonesia T2 region.
    ściągnij535 5.83 Mb 19.08.2019 12:07 Admin
1)bug for cable search. 2)add Georgia menu and modify the font for Armenia and Czech.
    ściągnij631 5.84 Mb 19.08.2019 12:07 Admin
Cała pamięć zajęta: 57.8 Mb

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